What is GratiWooed?

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Hi there! Welcome to GratiWooed! I am sure you might be thinking “what the heck is GratiWooed?” Well, I am starting this blog to share my ongoing journey to joy, confidence and connecting to the universe. This journey has been one I’ve been on for most of my life, but have recently really shifted how I’m going about it and it’s been amazing. This all started with a focus on gratitude. And it’s been the base of everything since.

I’ll share my routines and rituals surrounding gratitude and how I got started in an upcoming post or two, but for now, I’ll stay focused on the blog name. As my journey has continued, I’ve been drawn to many different things, learning about different rituals, thoughts, theories, etc. And some of them fall into what some may call “woo woo.” Heck, I call it woo-woo too…cause what else do you call it? Isn’t everything we believe and do to bring joy and spirituality maybe a lil woo woo or magical, afterall? Who doesn’t love a little woo? Speaking of that, I also leaned into the “woo” part of the title because I have been completely wooed in this journey – wooed by gratitude, kindness, love, energy and so many things.

So there we have it…bringing together Gratitude and Woo-Woo (plus being wooed) to get to GratiWooed.

This blog will allow me to share my journey, focus on some of my passion (like writing) and express gratitude and share my woo in a whole new way.

Thank you for being here!!

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